+992 400 900 900
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Doing Business in Tajikistan 2022
We bring to your attention an updated version of the annual guide to "Doing business in Tajikistan 2022"
What is the secret behind the rapid success of "Tax and Legal Advisers"
The company was part of the globally recognized auditing company "BDO Tajikistan". Independently under the brand "Tax and Legal Advisers", it began its activities in September 2020, when the pandemic caused a big doubt in the effectiveness of the commercial system.
Foreign Electronic E-service providers
How can foreign persons officially pay taxes for directly providing electronic services to individuals in Tajikistan?
Doing Business in Tajikistan 2021
We present to your attention a guide to Doing Business in Tajikistan.The aim of this publication is to provide essential background information on embarking business in the Republic of Tajikistan. The
publication has been prepared by Tax and Legal Advisers LLC, for the use of our clients and prospective clients, investors and everyone who wants to start a business in Tajikistan.
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54 Foteh Niyozi St., 5th floor, «Kokhi Afsaron», Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 734001



+ 992 400 900 900
© 2020 LLC Tax & Legal Advisers is collaborating with Andersen Global in Tajikistan